Global Poomsae Elite Converge for 2023 WT Poomsae Open Challenge in Muju


SEOUL, Korea (Nov. 1, 2023) – The year is ending with a bang for the sport’s non-combative format as some of the world’s leading poomsae players gather for an elite-level tournament on Taekwondo’s home turf.


The 2023 World Taekwondo Poomsae Open Challenge runs from Nov. 3 – 5, 2023 at Taekwondowon in Korea’s Muju.


A purpose-design facility complete with competition facilities, accommodation and gymnasia set in a scenic valley in Korea’s southwest, Muju’s Taekwondowon is a pilgrimage site for training retreats and a venue for top-level competition.


The upcoming competition features 516 registered athletes and 58 officials, with 19 countries represented.


The tourney offers both national and open divisions. There is a strong focus on the traditional, recognized forms of Taekwondo.


The national division includes men’s and women’s individual events in recognized poomsae for Seniors in multiple age groups: Under 30, Under 40, Under 50, Under 60, Under 65, Over 65). The national division also includes a men’s and women’s individual (Over 17) contest in free style poomsae.


In the national team category, the first-placed athletes in the senior male and female individual competition will be invited to the Hong Kong 2024 WT Poomsae Championships.


The open division offers exclusively Recognized Poomsae Competition.
Categories include men’s and women’s individual for multiple ages groups: Cadets (12-14) - Juniors (15-17) and Seniors (Under 30, Under 40, Under 50, Under 60, Under 65, Over 65). There is also a pairs competition for Cadets (12-14) - Juniors (15-17) and Seniors (Under 30, Over 30). Finally, the division includes a Team Competition for Cadets (12-14), Juniors (15-17) and Seniors (Under 30, Over 30).